Legion of Mary Meeting

The legion exists to be a sign of Mary’s maternal love for the world and a means of enlisting all her children in the Church’s evangelizing work. It is at […]

St. Therese Book Club

Come and study the works of St. Therese as a group. All are welcome.

Youth Group

Bible Study led by Fr. Krager followed by Adoration.  St. John Bosco Youth Group: For teens ages 13-18, now with a new format. The 1st and 3rd Thu of the […]

Altar & Rosary Society Meeting

The Altar and Rosary Society is an organization of women who foster and spread devotion to the Holy Rosary, maintain the cleanliness of the church sanctuary, wash and iron altar […]

Leisure and Culture Movie Night

Parish Hall

For adults 21+, to connect adults from all walks of life in an enriching environment. Come in your Sunday best or teatime attire. Bring French-themed snacks to share. Contact Hope […]

Youth Group Trivia Night

St. Albert of Jerusalem Basement Room

For ages 13-18. Join us for this fun night led by Fr Krager! Pizza will be provided. Sign up via Flocknote

Creation Study Group

This group is dedicated to studying the traditional Catholic teaching on creation and Genesis as believed and taught by the Doctors, Fathers, Councils and Popes for two thousand years. We […]

Laeta Vita

Leata Vita (Joyful Life) is a group for single women ages 18-35. The purpose of our group is to meet and grow in fellowship with other women who are in […]